João Paulo de Carvalho's profile

Videocall portraits (the second wave)

Pequenos retratos via chamada de vídeo (a segunda onda)

Video call small portraits
(the second wave)
Durante a quarentena, realizei muitas chamadas de vídeo, coisa que não fazia a muito tempo. Boa parte do contato humano que tive, foi desta forma. Chega a ser emocionante ver os rostos queridos nas suas salas ou quartos. A diversidade de luzes, ambientes, enquadramentos me levaram a colecionar prints das conversas. A partir dos prints selecionados, fiz pequenos retratos a óleo.

During the quarantine, I made a lot of video calls, which I hadn't done in a long time. Much of the human contact I had was this way. It is even exciting to see the dear faces in their living rooms or bedrooms. The diversity of lights, environments, framming led me to collect prints of the conversations. From the selected prints, I made small oil portraits.
Videocall portraits (the second wave)


Videocall portraits (the second wave)
